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Research Colloquium Presentation by Pere-Lluís Huguet Cabot

3 years ago

Semantic Knowledge Graphs contain relations between meanings. These relationships are naturally found in natural language. In this colloquium, we explore the different Semantic KG resources available and introduce different research that has explored the interaction between KG and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

For instance, some of these KGs have been used to enhance the performance of pretrained Language Models, the core of current NLP research. Another common use of KG in the context of NLP has been Commonsense-related tasks, to facilitate the creation of datasets, as well as models that directly encode the information of KG for commonsense predictions.

The objective of this colloquium is therefore to grasp the interactions between semantic KGs and NLP, and explore how KGs can be used in a broad range of NLP applications.

The slides of the presentation can be found here