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Work Package 2 Meeting

a year ago

Construction of KGs

Pere-Lluis Huguet Cabot - ESR 04, Babelscape

ESR 04 presented the progress on his ongoing projects, such as expanding the previous work on Relation Extraction, the use of Entity types and crowdsourced annotations. He also introduced the use of explainable AI methods such as integrated gradients for some of his current projects.

Bo Xiong - ESR 05, University of Stuttgart

ESR 05 presented his secondment project on cell type annotations with ontology embeddings, which aims at producing predictions that are consistent to the cell type taxonomy. He demonstrated some preliminary results on validating their assumptions.

Carlos Abelardo Martinez Lorenzo - ESR 06, Babelscape

ESR 06 updated us on the state of the BabelNet Meaning Representation (BMR) project and some new spin off projects related to BMR that look at ways to improve the generality and coverage of this new way of approaching at Semantic Parsing.

Umair Qudus - ESR 07, Paderborn University

In the meeting, ESR07 presented his progress related to the hybrid fact-checking approach that he is currently working on. He is getting some cool results from his approach. Stay tuned for more updates!