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KnowGraphs Workshop

2 years ago

KnowGraphs Workshop Organised by the University of Groningen

During 26 and 27 September 2022, the 5th KnowGraphs workshop took place at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. The first half of the first day of the workshop focused on updating each other about our recent progress and an informal conversation on status quo/ questions/ concerns. The second half of the day was dedicated to a workshop on enhancing mental resilience within the context of academic research and the day ended with a social activity that involved exploring the city. On the second day, the guest speaker Sjors Molenaar gave a talk on communication and social media training in which the ESRs brainstormed about how to better disseminate their work. The last session consisted in an interactive workshop focused on thinking about future careers in a creative manner, using theatre and improvisation techniques, facilitated by Frank Odijk.