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Workshop in Rome

9 months ago

Completion of the KnowGraphs Workshop in Rome

Hosted at the Spazio Sette Libreria, nestled within the historic Renaissance palace of Cavallerini Lazzaroni in the heart of Rome, the KnowGraphs Workshop unfolded as a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration. Organized by Babelscape, this two-day event brought together a diverse community of researchers, experts, and enthusiasts in the field of Knowledge Graphs.

The workshop commenced with a warm welcome by Alessandro Scirè and Roberto Navigli, setting the stage for a series of engaging discussions. ESRs had the opportunity to reflect on their Ph.D. journeys, sharing their proudest achievements, the challenges they overcame, and their visions for applying their research beyond academia.

The program featured insightful talks by prominent speakers. Giovanni Felici, from IASI CNR, offered perspectives on accessing European excellence research, while Marko Grobelnik of JSI provided an illuminating overview of Generative AI and its connection to Knowledge Graphs. Valentina Presutti, from the University of Bologna, explored the fascinating intersection of AI and Music with Knowledge Graphs.

Amidst these discussions, participants had moments to connect during coffee breaks, fostering valuable networks. The event extended beyond the workshop room: a city center tour explored Rome's rich information development, adding a cultural dimension to the gathering. As participants strolled through the historic streets, they saw how knowledge evolves and intertwines with the city's heritage.

Our sincere thanks to all the ESRs, speakers, and organizers who contributed to the success of the Rome KnowGraphs Workshop.